The Federal Government has announced the launch of BoardLinks, a new initative aimed at supporting more Australian women into leadership positions, including increasing female participation in private and public sector boards.

The Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce has handed down its final report, identifying key strategies to be used to improve the match between training and job outcomes for individuals and employers.

Australia's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased slightly but the rounded estimate remained at 5.4 per cent in October, as announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). 

Social media giant has announced the launching of its new  Be Bold, Speak Up anti-bulluying campaign in Australia, with Minister for School Education Peter Garrett attending the launch.

The Federal Government has passed amendments to the Fair Work Act that apply transfer of business rules to protect the entitlements of state public sector employees in Queensland, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania through Parliament.

The number of advertised jobs in Australia has continued to fall, recording its lowest point in over two years in October.

People earning between $100,000 and $124,999 are the happiest in the country, but any more than that and happiness begins to peter out according to new research released by psychometric testing company Onetest.

The Fair Work Ombudsman has announced the release of a new handbook aimed at giving employers a quick reference to assist in better understanding workplace relations obligations.

The Federal Government has hailed the passage of legislation through Parliament that locks in equal pay increases for 150,000 social and community services (SACS) workers.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released new data from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing, showing that Australia’s total labour force of people aged 15 years and over consisted of 10,658,458 people as of August last year.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released new census data outlining the nature of the country’s workforce.

Monash University has been voted Australia’s best University from which to hire graduates for a second year running.

Federal Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator Eric Abetz, has blasted the revised National Code on Bullying, saying it “takes the nanny state to the extreme”.

Information technology employees are increasingly demanding industry certificate training to help them secure their career progression, according to a new report released by recruitment firm, Ambition.

Sexual harassment rates in the workplace have reached an all time high, with progress in combating it stalling, according to a new report released by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

Workplace Health and Safety specialists are enjoying a spike in labour demand, especially in the construction sector, according to international recruitment specialist Hays.

Despite dropping levels of smoking and dangerous drinking, Australians are increasingly more likely to be obese according to new data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Fair Work Australia, the Fair Work Ombudsman and Fair Work Building and Construction have formalised their commitment to national productivity with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the issue.

Australians who complete postgraduate degrees can expect to earn double, or $3.2 million, over their working lives compared to people with a Year 11 level qualification, who can expect to earn $1.7 million, according to the latest AMP .NATSEM report.

Integrating social media and mobile devices with human resources delivery is one of the emerging trends in the global HR sector, according to the latest findings from professional services firm Deloitte.

The Federal Government has announced significant changes to the country’s visa pricing system as it shifts to a ‘user-pays’ system.

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