An employer push to remove weekend penalty rates for workers in restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs would slash the pay of many of Australia’s lowest-paid workers, say unions.

Employers calling for pay cuts for hospitality staff should try giving up their weekends, evenings and public holidays for the same low wages as the workers who generate the industry’s profits, say unions.

Low-paid workers in the restaurant, catering and hospitality sectors rely on penalty rates to not only compensate them for working unsociable hours, but to help them make ends meet, said ACTU President Ged Kearney.

The Australian Law Reform Council (ALRC) has released an Issues Paper for its inquiry into the legal barriers to mature aged participation in the workforce.

Nominations are now open for the 2012 Australian HR Awards, with invitations extended to nominate individuals and organisations who have exhibited outstanding performance in the field of Human Relations in 2012.

Nearly four out of ten workers can’t understand the basic information shared on global conference calls, read or write emails in English, or deal with complexity and rapid change.

The Victorian Government has announced a major cut to WorkCover premiums, cutting them by three per cent from the beginning of July.

Obese women are significantly more likely to be discriminated against when applying for a job and receive lower salaries than their non-overweight according to a research study published by Monash University.

The proportion of employees who were trade union members in their main job remained steady at 18% in August 2011, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). 

The Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) has released its Mature Age Workforce Participation 2012 survey.

The Federal Government has announced a new $1.5 billion Remote Jobs and Communities Program to start from July 2013.

The New South Wales Government has released an issues paper and announced a parliamentary committee as the next steps to reforming WorkCover NSW.

IBM Australia and The Sauce published the first Australian Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Report 2012, which investigates the current state of business process outsourcing in Australia and points to future trends.

One in five, or 19% of Australian workers were casual employees in November 2011 according to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). This represents just under 2.2 million people.

Global recruitment specialist Hays has released its quarterly report into recruitment trends for the April – June 2012 quarter.

International professional services specialist Hays has released research that found that growth, cloud, social, mobile and analytics are among this year’s top HR trends.

From July 2012, Australia will have a new, independent National Airline Customer Advocate to give passengers the extra help and protection they need in getting their complaints resolved.

Two in five Australian businesses are finding it difficult to recruit despite national job vacancies dropping to 219,000 (from 237,000 in 2010), research from Bankwest has revealed.

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has released its Monthly Leading Indicator of Employment, finding that results have fallen for the fourth consecutive month in April 2012.

The Federal Government has announced its initial response to the Final Report of the Advisory Panel on the Economic Potential of Senior Australians (EPSA).

The University of South Australia has published a report that suggests sexual harassment remains a persistent problem in Australian workplaces.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has released new data that shows the country’s mental health workforce is continuing to grow.

Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce has called for a review of the country’s baby bonus, despite his party running a previous election platform that would see the $5000 bonus doubled to $10,000.

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