Australia has signed up to new, world-leading safety standards. 

The government has ratified all 10 of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Conventions, with the final ratification of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention (C187) formalised at a tripartite ceremony in Geneva. Representatives from Safe Work Australia, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended the ceremony.

The agreement places Australia among the first nations worldwide to ratify all 10 ILO Conventions.

The ILO recently elevated workplace safety to a core labour right alongside others like freedom of association and the elimination of forced labour. 

Ratifying C187 obligates Australia to continue promoting these standards in line with global labour commitments.

Marie Boland, CEO of Safe Work Australia, says the conventions “ensure our approach is consistent with international best practice”.

The authorities say Australia’s ratification aligns with its national initiatives, including a ban on engineered stone products, new guidelines addressing workplace harassment, and the implementation of the Respect@Work recommendations to prevent gender-based violence. 

These efforts are part of the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2023–2033, which aims to ensure every worker returns home safely.

“Ratifying these international conventions signals to every Australian that the Albanese Government will protect our workplace rights and demonstrates Australia’s commitment to workers’ health and safety,” said ACTU President Michele O’Neil.

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