Archived News for Human Resource Professionals
The Full Federal Court has dismissed ANZ’s appeal over a continuous disclosure breach ...
Dock fight over 'bots and pay
US dockworkers may have put off the looming threat of automation for now.
Grants change goes live
The federal Department of Finance has announced new grant rules are now in effect.
Freedom risked by info bill
Australia's proposed ‘Misinformation Bill’ has stirred outrage among free speech advocates.
Gambling gifts tallied
Gambling giants have been wooing Australian politicians ahead of new regulation.
New funds for price watch
The government has put up new money to stop sneaky supermarket pricing tricks.
Police issues counted
Australia's police force is facing a significant crisis, with thousands of vacancies and high rates of sick leave contributing to operational challenges.
Smart shopping studied
Experts say retailers should embrace smart technology or risk frustrating their customers.
Victorian victim emails leaked
Victims' emails have been exposed in a major privacy breach by Victoria’s crime tribunal.
Inquiry hears of hate effect
A Senate inquiry has found Australian universities are failing Jewish students amid rising campus anti-Semitism.
Lighting helps shift issues
Circadian lighting drastically improves sleep and performance for night shift workers, a new study finds.
Qantas engineers in pay strike
Qantas engineers went on strike this week, intensifying their fight for higher wages in a long-running dispute ...
Coal firms bring IR fight
Three of Australia’s largest coal mining companies are taking on the Albanese government in a legal battle over new industrial relations reforms.
Fish fights spook staff
Fisheries officers in NSW are demanding better protection against violent poachers.
Economic model drives destruction
Experts say the economy is broken, and it could take the planet down with it.
Psychologist pipeline boosted
Government funds have been allocated to address Australia's psychologist shortage.
Tasmania signs school deal
Tasmania’s new school funding deal promises more money - but critics say it is not enough.
Google fires at Microsoft lock
Google has lodged an antitrust complaint against Microsoft with the European Union.