Archived News for Human Resource Professionals - May, 2021
The NDIA has been accused of selective quoting to support controversial reforms.
New bill to ban angry parents
Aggressive and violent parents may be banned from entering school grounds under a new Victorian government bill.
Watchdog reports on data links
SA’s privacy watchdog has found it is “probable” the government did not facilitate unauthorised collection of personal data.
ATLA probe uncovers issues
Administrators have found millions of dollars is missing from one of Australia’s most prominent Indigenous corporations.
Deep gymnast issues uncovered
The human rights council has uncovered physical, emotional and sexual abuse in Australian gymnastics.
Federal insurance fund coming
The Federal Government says its new scheme will reduce insurance premiums for people living in flood and cyclone-prone areas ...
Regional jobs peak
Authorities say there are now more jobs in regional Australia than during the mining boom.
Telstra fined for porting block
Telstra has been fined $1.5 million for not letting customers keep their phone numbers when they switch networks.
Females rise in research ranks
The number of female authors in Australian medical journals is on the rise.
NBN subs protest pay
NBN subcontractors have joined a nationwide protest over pay and work dispatch system issues.
Plum rates for Liberal mates
Over a dozen former Liberal MPs and staffers have been appointed to high-paying federal government jobs this year.