Archived News for Human Resource Professionals - December, 2016
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has struggled to respond to a critical systems collapse this week.
Obeid handed three years' jail
Former NSW Labor minister Eddie Obeid has been sentenced to five years' jail, with no parole for three years.
'Flushable' claims face court
The ACCC has launched legal action against the manufacturers of “flushable” wet wipes.
Police cop poor dug report
Victoria’s anti-corruption commission says drug use is a “widespread and serious problem”.
Work safety at whim of climate
Public health officials say that as the length and severity of hot weather increases, work practices must change.
COAG concludes with little action
The usual veneer of agreement was missing after Friday’s COAG meetings.
Cormann slammed for 'callous' claim
Mathias Cormann has been criticised for describing paid domestic violence as “another cost” ...
Editing spree changes Wiki for women
The BBC and Wikipedia are working to change online biographies on women.
Medical stress measured
An international study says depression affects nearly a third of all med students.
Recognition talks launched
The first meetings on the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people start this week.
Henry reflects on China links
Dr Ken Henry says Australia’s future is “hopeless” if it does not make the most of Asia’s burgeoning middle class.
Kids' sport falling short
Despite spending over $10 billion a year on sport and fitness activities, keeping kids engaged after 11 years old is proving a challenge.
ATO urged to vote no
The heads of the ATO want workers to give up their resistance to Coalition government's industrial relations policies.
Diplomats' dollars could be cut
Reports say a secret government review could cut the entitlements for high-flying diplomats.
Teacher visas seen as PISA response
A global report found has found a dip in the educational achievements of Australian 15-year-olds.
Teachers told to quiet views
Education Minister Simon Birmingham has warned “green activist” teachers against protesting the abuse of asylum seekers.
Disability fixes funded
Workplaces will be encouraged to employ people with disabilities, fund leadership and create ...
Lobbies' bland plans slammed
A conservative think tank says Australia’s chief business lobby is now “completely outgunned” by progressive think tanks.
NT mining influence highlighted
Environmentalists are concerned about the amount of mining industry figures on an NT Government-appointed board.
Climate review lining up
The Federal Government has opened the possibility of new climate policies for the energy sector.