Archived News for Human Resource Professionals - November, 2019
Save the Children Australia has become the first socially focused NGO to join the UN's Green Climate Fund.
War memorial works plugged
Australian War Memorial boss Brendan Nelson says a $500 million expansion of the site will help veterans' PTSD.
Work Safe issues annual stats
Work-related fatalities continue to decline but more efforts are needed, according to Safe Work Australia.
Federal cyber efforts slow
A new report shows federal government cyber resilience is almost unchanged in the last three years.
Media heads push press freedom
Media bosses have met to discuss press freedom laws with the Morrison government in Canberra.
Wave risk well telegraphed
The WA Government was warned that Carnegie Clean Energy was a big financial risk before giving is $2.6 million in taxpayer funds, reports say.
New scheme for uni interference
New rules hope to shine a spotlight on foreign interference at universities.
DFAT staffer in activist probe
A senior DFAT worker is being investigated for her links to animal activist groups.
Indigenous advisory begins
A senior advisory group has begun designing an Indigenous voice to guide Australia's politicians.
Inner West drops Jan 26 events
Inner West Council has become the first in Sydney to drop Australia Day celebrations ...
Victoria PS growth beats population
Victoria’s Auditor-General says the state will have to continue borrowing cash to fund major infrastructure projects.
Lobby access questioned
The number of lobbyists with unfettered access to the halls of Parliament House has doubled in seven years.
AI ethics framework released
A new artificial intelligence (AI) program has gone public, while the Federal Government releases new AI guidelines.
ASIO breach uncovered
ASIO has been found to have broken the law in a foreign-intelligence operation early last year.
Telstra sorry for poor phone deals
Telstra has apologised for selling “phones to customers who ultimately could not afford them” in Indigenous communities.
Jobactive deemed unhelpful
New research suggests appointments with unemployment services do little to help people get a job.
Profit dips hit big four
KPMG says Australia is at a ‘turning point’ in regard to its big four banks.